A machine
with artificial intelligence is not an artist. I explained in the article here
why it couldn't be. His creativity, which focuses on the result with artificial
intelligence, is automatic and lacks human phenomena, emotions, and experience.
Artificial intelligence is not aware of the reality of art, human and life,
that is, it does not include the activity required by creativity and human
-I am
referring here to the classic main program module of Photoshop or similar image
processing programs that does not contain artificial intelligence. (Artificial
intelligence modules were put into service as an add-on.)
Photoshop is a fun program created with image processing logic on a computer.
Many menus and tools that have been thought out for the production process
perform certain predetermined/programmed tasks. But Photoshop can't draw a
portrait on its own because it doesn't have the ability to self-produce. It
needs a human being to produce and forms the instrumental basis of production
for the activity of the human being who uses it. In the same way, someone who
does not have the ability to draw pictures can't produce something qualified,
original, even if he uses the latest version of Photoshop and an advanced
graphics tablet. What is the result when you ask such a person to paint/draw a
portrait with Photoshop? So, is it true that such a person who does not carry
the spirit of art, someone who does not have the ability to produce aesthetic
works, produces something with artificial intelligence and presents it as art?
Is it moral?
Let's think
about the MS Word program instead of Photoshop. Can MS Word or a word
processing program write poetry or short stories on its own? “No! Although
there is an incredible difference and improvement between the 1983 and 2024
versions of MS Word, its basic mission and function have not changed. No matter
how much the menus, commands, interface changes, its instrumental nature is the
same: to enable a person to decipher his thoughts into writing. MS Word produces
articles in accordance with the abilities and wishes of the person who uses it.
Everyone can write with it, but not everyone can write a novel or a poem. If
you ask someone who has nothing to do with literature to write a novel with the
most advanced MS Word program, this will not be possible. But a novelist can
write his novel with the most primitive version of the program, even with a
typewriter. The MS Word program is nothing more than a technological tool that
reveals a person's thoughts, abilities and culture through writing. The ability
of the person, not the program, is important.
programs are only an instrumental basis that helps to take the path and make it
visible in the desired design process with imagination, expression, search for meaning
in production based on the human factor.
Just because
someone knows how to use Photoshop does not mean that they will make good
designs. Because an operator may also have excellent knowledge of using
Photoshop or MS Word, but he cannot have the ability to create an artistic
image or literary composition and transfer his own thoughts to writing.
An artist,
an illustrator, a writer, whether with MS Word or with Photoshop, has a purpose
and an effort to express meaning/meaning while materializing the value in his
mind, that is, making it readable/visible. An artist reveals his aesthetic
expressions with his enthusiasm, imagination and ability to express himself by
establishing a connection with his work. By using programs according to their
purpose, i.e. menus, commands, it allows them to serve their purpose as part of
the production concept on the computer. We are talking about a process that
proceeds only with the initiative of man. After all, an artist uses a computer
as a tool in a production flow without artificial intelligence in order to
reveal his work during the production process with his own human abilities, to
reach what he wants to tell, to produce.
software that does not contain artificial intelligence cannot self-define your
thoughts and does not offer guidance suggestions, humans are involved in every
stage of the output creation process, and this is the most important point, and
humans have the freedom to edit, intervene, change at any time.
programs make suggestions for correction, not editing. These recommendations
indicate the technological development of software and therefore tools. Marking
the misspelled word in the MS Word program and suggesting the truth of the word
or similar ones or similar meanings is a technological aid that helps a person.
What he is proposing only speeds up the process. Photoshop or MS Word does not
offer a method, it offers easy steps, an easy environment to the person who
will apply the method. Because these programs have no idea about the content
that the artist or the person who uses them will create. MS Word lacks the
suggestion of creating an essay in Photoshop, just as it cannot make a content
and subject suggestion, orientation about the story in the author's mind. (But
in the future, MS Word self-production content, Photoshop and similar image
processing programs will also be integrated with modules for self-production of
compositions from different templates.)
An ordinary
Photoshop user can produce images using several filters and take advantage of
the random effects of filters. It can perceive the different effects of filters
as a suggestion for editing. He can also make it look like he imagined the
program's abilities and produced them himself, but this is not the way an
illustrator or artist works. What the illustrator or artist wants to do before
starting the composition is in his mind and imagination as a core. It creates
its composition not by accidental formations, but by conscious steps. Even drawing sketches first and creating their drafts to start projects with a plan requires greater experience.